1994 (Grays Inn)
BA (Hons)
Accredited Mediator
Child Inclusive Mediator
Family Law Bar Association
Family Mediators Association
Legal 500 2016-2024
Chambers & Partners 2016-2024
Louisa is a specialist child law barrister who has practised exclusively in family law for over 25 years, representing parents, spouses, grandparents, children and local authorities. She is particularly experienced with cases where children are considered to be at risk, or where there has been domestic violence in a relationship.
Louisa has been recommended in Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners since 2016 as a ‘Leading Junior’ in matrimonial family.
She is known for her ability to work with her clients in a holistic and non- judgmental way. She will consider not only the legal aspects of a case, but also the emotional and practical issues that can shape her client’s decisions.
Although Louisa now focuses only on cases involving children (either in Private Law or Public Law) her additional 20 years’ experience of working on financial provision cases also stands her in good stead within her busy mediation practice.
She is accredited by the Family Mediation Council to undertake mediations involving both finances and arrangements for children, and is able to conduct Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) sessions and child-inclusive mediations, completing the form required to make an application to Court where appropriate.
She offers online mediation sessions using Zoom, allowing clients to begin or continue mediation from the comfort of their own home. Many of her clients prefer the online approach as it means they don’t have to be in the same room as the other party, making it much easier for them to focus on and resolve the issues at hand.
Louisa provides her clients with clear, objective advice, allowing them to make their decisions in full knowledge and understanding of the proceedings and their implications. At court, she will ensure that her client’s position is put appropriately and persuasively before the Judge.
Louisa is able to accept instructions through the Direct Public Access scheme.
Miss P from solicitors, instructing Louisa Adamson
Mr W from solicitors, instructing Louisa Adamson
Miss G from solicitors, instructing Louisa Adamson
Ms P from Solicitors Instructing Louisa Adamson
Mr G from Instructing Solicitors Instructing Solicitors
Mr W from Solicitors Instructing Louisa Adamson
Mrs P from Solicitors Instructing Louisa Adamson
Children - Private Law (CAP)
Children - Private Law (CAP)
Children - Private Law (CAP)