Civil Law

Becket Chambers’ Civil Law Team has many years’ expertise across a broad range of Civil Law cases. Our barristers represent individuals and businesses involved in disputes as well as acting for local authorities or HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). We can act for you in all Civil Law matters requiring injunctions, in claims for damages, in contractual disputes and in matters involving costs law.

We advise and represent clients in all types of cases, including fast-track, intermediate and multi-track cases from pre-issue, throughout proceedings through to judgement and subsequent enforcement.

If you wish to bring a Civil case, or need to defend one, it is important to remember that, in a Civil Law case, the burden of proof rests with the defendant – to demonstrate balance of probability. We will offer straight-talking advice on the merits of your case, help you, where possible, to resolve matters through mediation, and provide advice and representation to you at all stages if your case goes to court.


See Barristers

26 Case Studies

See Case Studies


See Articles
Civil Mediation image

Civil Mediation

Condemnation & Cash Forfeiture image

Condemnation & Cash Forfeiture

Contract & Commercial image

Contract & Commercial

Employment image


Personal Injury image

Personal Injury

Planning image


Probate & Inheritance image

Probate & Inheritance

Property & Land Law image

Property & Land Law

Civil Law Barristers

Our Civil Law barristers will offer straight-talking advice on matters including wills, property and employment law, helping you to resolve matters out of court if possible, and representing you at all stages.

Sita Cox image
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Sita Cox

1987 (Middle Temple)

Clive Styles image
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Clive Styles

1990 (Grays Inn)

Paul Tapsell image
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Paul Tapsell

1991 (Middle Temple)

Cara Radford image
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Cara Radford

2016 (Gray’s Inn)

Nicole Jennings image
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Nicole Jennings

2016 (Middle Temple)

Allen Worwood image
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Allen Worwood

October 2019 (Inner Temple)

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Nathanael Harding image
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Nathanael Harding

2015 (Middle Temple)

Fiona Brown image
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Fiona Brown

2022 (Inner Temple)

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Jonathan Brooks image
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Jonathan Brooks

2018 (Gray’s Inn)


"Thank you again for your support within the hearing today, I am very grateful for your professionalism and it has been refreshing to be heard and for someone to be able to fight for me, instead of having to fight for the children myself- with no legal background, expertise, or knowledge at all!"

Client instructing Edward Kenny through Solicitors in Children Proceedings

"Nicole who represented me was really brilliant within the hearings so thank you for having her involved and having her return to do the hearings with me."

Client instructing Nicole Jennings through Solicitors

"Sita is outstanding. I can always rely on her to go above and beyond on every case I instruct her on."

Miss G from solicitors instructing Sita Cox

"That’s amazing, thank you for doing a great job. Client is over the moon."

Miss M from solicitors instructing Corey Mills

"Just a note to say she’s been fab on my case, I’ve been in contact more than I usually would as the client very vulnerable, and Cara looked after her brilliantly and with care."

Miss H from solicitors instructing Cara Radford

"Very happy today thank you.....Barrister was great, listened to me and put forward what he needed to."

Client instructing Chris Wall through Solicitors - July 23